My apologies for not writing a blog before giving my sermon last week. I was ill the last half of the week, and barely had enough time to finish my sermon as it was! For those who weren't in the service, our question last week (as a part of our sermon series "Got Doubts") was "Do you need church to be a Christian?".
I won't re-write my message for you, but I would like to add some content to the message. I think it will stand alone fine if you weren't in attendance.
Hebrews 10:25
Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the day approaching.
On Sunday, I spent about 2% of my message on the last 10 words of this scripture (and all the more as you see the day approaching). I'm not sure if I think about that line enough in my life, or in my conversations with people every day.
ALL THE MORE --> doing something MORE than I am doing now.
AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING -->as you see time running by/running out/running toward an event.
Are we meeting together with a sense of urgency? Are we looking to NEW opportunities, as a body of faith, to spend time TOGETHER in worship/study/fellowship/etc. Do you look for changes with your family at home to spend more time than you did yesterday talking about God? How much more focused on God would be be if we made an attempt to spend just 5 more minutes together today WITH our families talking about God. (praying to God, counting our blessings, asking for help, etc)
Are we meeting together in church, and then through worship cultivating a desire to share the good news about God with others outside of our church, inviting them INTO the body of faith with URGENCY? Are we falling back on statements like "everyone I know goes to church, so I guess I'm safe and don't have to invite people to come"?
ALL THE MORE as you see the day approaching says to me that I should probably be trying to do more than I did yesterday to spread the news of God's kingdom.
I know the verse itself is talking about how early Christians shouldn't stop meeting together. But, if we are meeting today, and hearing the good news of the gospel which tells us that salvation is for WHOEVER BELIEVES in HIM and that we should make disciples of all nations, then I put 2 and 2 together and wonder if I am doing ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH as I see the day approaching. Don't stop meeting together...when you are together, don't stop ENCOURAGING each other to SPREAD the good news and INVITE new people to experience Christian fellowship with you in your church.
I'll pray this week that WE decide to do more...that when we see new opportunities to fellowship with our friends, we take advantage of them. I'll pray this week that when we see opportunities to share the good news, that we do so without hesitation.
I'll be praying for you...would you do the same for me? God Bless...John
Thank you for your message. Our "Got Doubts" group must have listened well to your sermon last Sunday. Several of us have decided to stay together through the next series "24 Hours That Changed The World".