Saturday, August 13, 2011

We are one (./?/:(/etc)

CLC Sermon question for the week - (sorry, no Michael Jackson performances this week)

If you hear the words "We are one" within a religious context, do you hear them spoken as a statement, question, or something else entirely?) I wonder if your response is directly correlated with your comfort level in church on Sunday morning or with the idea of church/organized religion to begin with?

Responses to this BLOG can and will be repeated during the sermon tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. My first thought is of a hymn with those words, honestly (we are one in the spirit, one in the Lord...). But then I think of how we are to be one body of Christ, doing His work in the world. If we focus on the bigger picture, we can do amazing things for Him and with Him.
    I think my response is more related to my comfort level in church.
    Wish I had something more profound to say.
    Looking forward to your sermon, John! :-)
