Wednesday, April 28, 2010

People are listening to the simple/stupid things I say....(scary!)

I was reminded in the last few weeks, by a member of the congregation where I serve, that I had stopped blogging.

"Where did your blog go?" Honestly, my response was 1 part confused, 1 part shocked.

1 part Confused - "Blog? Oh yes, the blog I was doing for the sermon series...right...I guess I stopped writing after the series was over".

1 part Shocked - (internal monologue) "WHAT?!? People actually listen to/read what I say? I better be careful!!"

While I haven't been as deep into my Bible as I know I should be as of late, I've been hounded by the Holy Spirit through other methods: Small group study, continuing education, outreach, sermon preparation, etc. A few distinct themes have been on my mind, but the one I'll share with the 1-2 people out in world listening today is this...More people are listening to you than you know.

Its amazing how your view of community interaction/conversation changes when you put a BIG OL' HONKING CROSS necklace around your neck. Since I've started working for the church, quite often I wear a "larger than typical/rapper sized" cross in public. As it slaps against my chest when I walk, it is a CONSTANT reminder to me of whom I serve. When I do wear it out in public, people respond to me differently. Sometimes, they are more courteous...other times, they are more distant. Either way, I am consistently struck by the trend (at least in my mind) which is that people remember more of what I say when I wear the cross!

Simple example - The lady behind the starbucks counter remembers my name is John when I have the cross on...when I show up without it, I am "Hello sir, what can I get you?" I find this type of thing happens to me ALL OF THE TIME! (and no, not just when I'm feeding my caffeine habit at starbucks)

What does this mean for you? I'm not asking you to wear a GIANT CROSS today out in public. I am asking you to imagine that you are...

Imagine/remember that when people see you in church worshiping God, and then yelling at your spouse/children/friends in public, that they associate you with "church-you", with CHRIST. I'm reminding all of us that Christ calls us to be be the light of the world. Part of being a light in a dark world means that others will NOTICE you, and you might be judged by the world at a level which you may not realize.

I can't tell you how many times I've caught myself saying "I can't do this or that...I'm wearing a cross?!?!" How awesome, and yet embarrassing for me to tell you that. If only we "wore" Christ as well or as often as we wear our favorite piece of jewelery/clothes. I don't go mud-bathing in my best suit. Not only would I ruin the suit, but others would see my dirty suit and wonder if I was out of my mind.

Likewise, if we are to emulate Christ, remember that it is not only for our benefit. Remember that our likeness (or lack there of) to Christ affects everyone who looks at us. Sometimes the best thing I can do is CONSCIOUSLY act like Christ. By forcing myself to think "WWJD" (I just used that acronym...ugh) I act in such a way that not only pleases my God, but also allows others to see Christ in me.

To those who might read apologies...I'm not even an average blogger...I'm A.D.H.D....I haven't learned how to stream a singular thought, or learned how to use correct grammar.

Know that my point was supposed to be PEOPLE ARE LOOKING FOR CHRIST in our world, and they are FINDING YOU! Are they seeing Christ? Are you wearing your cross?

I almost forgot...I'll be praying for you this week. Would you do the same for me?

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